Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me …. Another
Well, well, well, look who’s jumped
headfirst with a splash into the infinity pool of blogging! I know, I know, your
inquisitively raised eyebrows, incredulous gasps and cheeky grins speak for
themselves. I’ll give you a minute to regain your composure while you ask
yourself, “She’s starting a BLOG? Really? What’s she up to anyway?” The same thoughts
have crossed my mind as well. So pick your jaw up off your lap as I indulge you
with answers.
First let me begin by saying this: a
friend of mine and I saw the recently released movie “Wild” starring Reese Witherspoon whose noteworthy
performance earned her both an Academy Award and Golden Globe nomination. As my eyes were glued to the screen
captivated by the amazing scenery and haunting El Condor Pasa accompaniment, I
was enchanted with the sentiment of the script. Cheryl Strayed’s story stirred my
soul so much so that I saw the flick twice, taking copious notes the second
time from poignant quotes that held particular meaning for me. Not that I’ve had such a life as hers but the
message of “letting go” really gripped me.
Watching this movie comes on the heels
of the beginning of a new year which for me historically has always meant a
new personal focus, a new breath of fresh air for the days and weeks ahead. Out
with the old and in with the new!
Life takes us on many interesting twists
and turns. Each thought we think and
word we speak, especially about ourselves, molds us into the person we are
today. The totality of that path is our
own shared by those who cross it, influence us and perhaps accompany us for
any given length of time. If we are so
inclined we may choose to continue down said “Wild” path, allowing it to grow
and change us. Or we can quit at any time and get back on safe road of
familiarity to the very people places and “self” that the “Wild” path beckoned
us to come out of and deal with in the first place.
So that’s one reason I ‘m starting this
blog. This year the “Wild” path is mine to take. It would be cool if you might walk
with me a mile or two as we discuss inspiring milieu! In particular my passions: gardening, letting
food be our medicine, know your farmer know your food, local food, healthy
thoughts which produce healthy bodies and various other topics of interest to
me and perhaps to you.
Life Lesson: much is to be
learned when you allow others to speak on your behalf and you don’t speak up for
yourself. You may lose your thoughts entirely and
not be heard. You may eventually believe you have nothing valuable to say. You may choose to stop thinking altogether. You may forget what a thoughtful person you really are and how those amazing
thoughts deserve a voice. Your mind wanes. But then the Universe sends a ray of sunshine. You remember. Your thoughts are your beautiful mind's eye. They're the core expression of who you are. They matter. They're brilliant. Important. You remember ... others want to hear your thoughts for they are intriguing.
What you think about yourself translates into your self-talk. What you say about yourself is what you believe yourself to be. It shapes your life. You have become what you think. You slowly open up. You may decide to allow yourself to think and speak while forsaking all fear of judgment or criticism. Another intention as I write this blog is to give myself permission to safely develop and speak my thoughts, creating a smooth pathway of expression from my mind's eye into the throws of my daily life, thus untethering my own tongue.
So this year I end my silence as I sojourn into the “Wild” blogging frontier. You are welcome to join me along this wild adventure for so long as our paths shall meet. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and ideas with you and read your comments.
What you think about yourself translates into your self-talk. What you say about yourself is what you believe yourself to be. It shapes your life. You have become what you think. You slowly open up. You may decide to allow yourself to think and speak while forsaking all fear of judgment or criticism. Another intention as I write this blog is to give myself permission to safely develop and speak my thoughts, creating a smooth pathway of expression from my mind's eye into the throws of my daily life, thus untethering my own tongue.
So this year I end my silence as I sojourn into the “Wild” blogging frontier. You are welcome to join me along this wild adventure for so long as our paths shall meet. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and ideas with you and read your comments.
My introductory post is dedicated to two friends whose work in the Sustainable Neighbor"hood" has touched the lives of many while preferring little acknowledgement or glory.
Marsha Howe, creator and Queen Bee of Sustainable Neighbors, has worked tirelessly in her efforts to create a haven for like-minded gardeners, promote local farmers and provide much valued education to our Fayetteville Community. She maintains the Arsenal Bridge Community Garden located behind the Poe House and along with her FSU team coordinates the Murchison Road Farmers Market located at Broncho Square across from FSU. She is a ball of positive energy and takes little to no credit for her phenomenal efforts. Thank you, dear friend, for your long days of networking, planting seeds, supporting local farmers and working the fields. Your harvest is great and will be greater this coming year! To learn more about Sustainable Neighbors and to find out more their next event, go to: http://www.meetup.com/SustainableNeighbors/
Another worker bee in the Sustainable Neighbors hive works behind the scenes. But make no mistake his botanical knowledge far surpasses his weekly blog discourse. Thomas Clark, owner of BL2 Landscaping, faithfully mans the booth downtown every Saturday at the City Market located at the Fayetteville Transportation Museum. At said booth Tom sells organically raised plants tenderly grown at his locally owned Bordeaux Regional Nursery. His savvy botanical knowledge has come to the rescue of many a gardener in need of expert gardening advice. His hands have toiled many years raising up a test garden one might only find in their wildest dreams. As mentioned, his informative blog discloses scientific facts about gardening with a dash of hilarity and a heavy dose of mayhem. Check out his blog here: http://bl2-litfm.blogspot.com/ Tom is a dear friend, the likes of whom are hard to find.
Check out the links and I'll see you next week!
Until then may happiness be rays of sunshine in your mind, body and soul.